
Start the church year during the Advent period in December

‘Advent’ is derived from the Latin word ‘adventus’, which means ‘coming’. Indeed, during the Advent period, Christians live towards Christmas: the feast of Jesus’ coming to this world as a little child in a manger.

With the celebration of his resurrection at Easter, his ascension and the passing on of his
inspiration to his disciples at Pentecost, we are told how the story continued in March, April, May and June each year.

Jesus was a king in a completely different way than worldly rulers are. His kingdom and his kingship are of a different order. It is not about power and self-interest, on the contrary, it is about attention and help for the least fortunate, for the poor.

Having heard the stories, it is up to us to see who Jesus is for us: a king high on a throne or a shepherd walking with us.

Is the image of the shepherd the one you start another new Advent season with?

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